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000475_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Mon Oct 9 08:08:42 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 01:02:45 +1000 (EST)
From: Jerel Smith <jerel@feral.acsu.unsw.edu.au>
To: Thad Kanko <thadk@armory.com>
Cc: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Raptor News/NewTek Deal
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I hear where your coming from Thad and i agree with you.
For the same reasons that you said i bought myself a pentium and not a
Mac. Here in Australia Macintosh are way over priced and as a simple
designer I couldnt afford the risk and cost of having to call a Mac
doctor if
something went wrong, plus the actual cost of the machine and parts for are o
way over priced.
I once tryed to find out what a raptor was (not being an amiga user -
thought it had something to do with amigas) and no body knew.I must admit
that after finding out a little more they do sound good.
The beautiful thing about Lightwave becoming MULTI PLATFORM is that
it is MULTI PLATFORM and that
people all over the world can use this program and not be reliant on
the hardware and hardware support.
Dec alphas are expensive here but not much more than the cost of the same
machine in the US (relatively speaking)
The plus is that Digital exist as a company not just a distributer here
so support is hardcore not wishy washy faxed responses.
I see this deal benifiting us as lightwave users if the software is developed
and the passed on to all future versions. But that is just wishful thinking.
>From an outsiders view i can see this deal as being something like the
Toaster or the Flyer. It doesnt mean much to someone outside the US.
Im not Toaster bashing but it is only an NTSC machine and i have real
doubts that it will be released as a Pal "editor", while Avid have a very
strong hold in the professional non-linear market and it is growing everyday
So i guess even if Newtek did release a Pal Flyer it would never really sell.
The point is that the Toaster is an Amiga extension (Amiga do have a user
base here, but it is very small compared to any other pc user groups)
and since the demise of Commadore it will have very little potential for
further growth.
Do Newtek really want to take the same gamble?
Because that is what it is when developing for a specific platform.
So unless Newtek and Deskstation put some real marketing and distribution
dollars behind this propsed new product they (Newtek) will be painting
itself into a corner and lossing their momentum in the market.
Lightwave is a great product, as im sure you would agree, and it does
need to keep growing. Sure its not Softimage or Alias or Wavefront but
its got a great UI and makes 3d art more acessible to more people than
any SGI package. I do want to see Lightwave to continue to
develope and i believe in time it will rival that sort of power in 3d.
But once again the 3 big 3d packages dont have the abilatly of being multi
Jerel Smith
Computer Artist and Designer
Jerel Smith <jerel@feral.acsu.unsw.edu.au> sent this message.
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